DIY “Miracle” Night Cream Recipe

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Amy of A Blossoming Life has created a power-packed night cream.  Here are just a few of the all-natural ingredients in the cream. (I don’t want to give away the actual ingredients but I want to share some of the properties in this cream):

  • A butter and an oil that are both noted for moisturizing and protecting the skin
  • Another oil that soothes puffy eyes and has anti-aging properties
  • An essential oil that smells wonderful, is an astringent and detoxifies
  • A gel that repairs damaged skin and can slow down the development of wrinkles
  • Other healthy ingredients

Amy provides very clear instructions on how to make and store the cream.  To see the complete recipe, click on the DIY “Miracle” Night Cream Recipe link below.

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 DIY “Miracle” Night Cream Recipe


  1. So if you’re not going to share the ingredients, did you just post it to brag?

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