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All insects are not created equal. Some insects help garden plants and others only harm them. For example, aphids feed on most vegetable and fruit plants, flowers and shade trees. Well ladybugs just love to snack on aphids. If you plant Tansy, Yarrow, Dill, Queen Anne’s lace or Fennel, you’ll attract ladybugs to your garden and will have a little army going after any aphids.
Understanding the relationship between plants, good insects and destructive insects can really help you to have a thriving garden. This is a fantastic article that has two charts. One is a list of beneficial insects and the destructive insects that they eat. The other chart Includes a list of 23 plants and all of the beneficial insects that they attract. Individual plants and flowers can attract multiple positive insects.
Be sure to read the helpful tips and suggestions at the end of the article. Click on the How to Attract Helpful Insects to Your Garden link below to read the entire article.
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How to Attract Helpful Insects to Your Garden
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