This is a post that Becky published for Thanksgiving. But I think it works all year long. I love Thanksgiving because the focus is on gathering together as a family, sharing a good meal, and enjoying time together. Families have all sorts of Thanksgiving traditions. Some revolve around the food served, or attending church services together, or watching the football games after dinner.
Becky of Beyond the Picket Fence explains the new Thanksgiving tradition she began with her family this year. She took some rocks and painted them with chalkboard paint. The rocks are in a box in the family room. Each night her family discusses what they are thankful for that day and write a few of their ideas down on individual rocks. Instead of focusing on a single day, Becky’s family will have weeks to think about the people and things they’re thankful for. And they’ll have the “Giving Thanks” rocks as a remembrance. Visit the How to Make and Use “Giving Thanks” Rocks link below to see Becky’s complete article.
How to Make and Use “Giving Thanks” Rocks
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