Top 10 Posts on How to Get Rid of Fruits Flies Including Fruit Fly Traps

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best wayto get rid of fruit flies, best fruit fly traps

Spring and summer are coming, and with the warmer weather Fruit Flies are also coming. Fruit flies love soft, decaying fruit. It’s common to bring them in from the garden or home from the grocery store when you have overripe fruit. Once they’re in your home, they’re hard to get rid of.

Apartment Therapy shares their top 10 articles about fruit flies and fruit fly traps. One new thing I learned is the name of an herb that repels fruit flies. I had never heard of this herb before.

The article includes some of the more popular methods of attracting and killing fruit flies in homemade traps. I have had success with the “cone of death”, apple cider vinegar and soap, and the wine bottle trick. I have also used apple cider vinegar in an empty wine bottle with a cone of death on top. Then when you get enough flies you can just toss the bottle.

The article includes more information about fruit flies and traps. Click on the Top 10 Posts on How to Get Rid of Fruits Flies Including Fruit Fly Traps to read the entire article.

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Top 10 Posts on How to Get Rid of Fruits Flies Including Fruit Fly Traps

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